Intangible started off slow, but quickly picked up the pace as gifted teens, The Queen of the Damned and Fae Fighters came together in a suspense-filled, edge-of-your-seat thriller that kept me engaged until the last page. Sera and Luke are adorable. Their relationship is the kind of relationship you always imagined twins would have, full of understanding, trust and love. They always seem to know when the other is upset or when the other needs something (like popcorn!). They exuded a comfortableness with each other that only comes from the bond of being family, and I loved that it never felt forced. Their quick wit and playful banter eased some of the more tense moments, and their genuine goodness came across as heartfelt instead of corny (although their naiveté was a little forced at times). I would have liked more interaction between them and Fey, because even though they often mentioned how close they were with her, she always seemed to just be someone who was lurking over their shoulders.As they begin to realize that there's more to their world then they were led to believe, we catch a glimpse at a few different paranormal creatures: vampires, elves and other "Gifted Ones". I loved that these creatures were cloaked in mystery, and that their secrets were revealed slowly throughout the entire book, but I wasn't able to fully grasp the worlds they lived in. Their histories (are they inclusive or exclusive of each other?) were never extrapolated on, nor were the reasons for their shaky alliance (they seem to be two completely different creatures, with different purposes so I can't see a reason for them coming in to conflict and thus, needing any kind of alliance). I would have like more world-building, to help explain their existence and how they had reached their current situations, and so I could have had a better picture of the world Sera and Luke inhabit.Other then the world-building, the other big thing that kind of nagged at me while reading was some of the choices of character names. Fey is revealed to be an Elf, and her "Fae Fighters" are her elven army, yet their names are what is more commonly used to describe all faeries. I kept having to remind myself that she was an elf, not a faery, and it got to be confusing. And Lilith, the "Queen of the Damned" is one of the original vampires, but her name (and title) is more commonly associated with Adam's first wife who is later cast out of Eden and labeled a demon. I just found the use of such names odd, and was hoping for some significant meaning, but if it was mentioned, it was lost on me.The plot itself is thick with twists and turns, full of various story arcs that seem to be completely unrelated, which come together in harmony to tie up the loose ends that have accumulated as the story progresses. I loved that seemingly little things turn out to play huge roles (the flask!) and that, while slightly predictable, the ending was still satisfying. There were a few nit-picky things that kind of bothered me (Marc's reaction to being left behind, his slightly anticlimactic end with the Shadows, Sera's seemingly pointless interactions with Naomi, Fey's unexplained behaviour that was never questioned, Sera's lack of fear with Jonas - he's either delusional or a vampire, both good reasons to avoid him!) but for the most part, I was able to overlook the flaws because I found the story so engaging! I'm definitely interested to see what's next for Luke and Sera, though I did find the "cliffhanger" ending to be rushed; it felt almost like an afterthought.So while not without its flaws, Intangible provided me with a thrilling read that I had a hard time putting down. If I had 1/2 stars, this one definitely would have gotten a 3.5, for entertaining me!Find this review, and more, on my blog Radiant Shadows